Health / Medical
All staff members are certified in basic first aid and CPR, and many are certified in Wilderness First Aid. A member of the camp leadership team manages the first aid center, including administering all camper medications, and handles minor cuts, stings, etc.. Still, any serious problems will be attended to by the emergency staff at Winchester Medical Center or at Valley Health Urgent Care facilities. For any injury that may warrant a visit to the doctor or a fever elevated above 100 degrees F, the staff will call parents/guardians/emergency contacts. When speed is of the essence, treatment may take priority over or be simultaneous to contact efforts.

Required Information
We require that you provide health information about the camper as part of the registration process. For most campers, you just need to have recent health history and vaccination close to hand as you fill this out. Beyond that:
- Suppose the camper has no medical condition for which you anticipate attention needed by camp staff and will not be taking prescription medications. In that case, we require that s/he has seen a doctor within 24 months before attending camp. You need only sign to state that this is true.
- If the camper has a medical condition needing attention or will be taking prescription medications while at camp, we require a health exam (signed by a physician). The exam has to have been within 12 months of the child attending camp.
- For campers taking prescription medications at camp, the Medication Forms must be filled out and signed by you and the camper’s doctor within 12 months of your child’s camp session.
- For campers taking regular over-the-counter medications, we require your instructions on the Medications Forms but do not require a doctor signature.
- We require a copy of your insurance card, front and back, with the subscriber’s date of birth written in.